Blogging from the Phone
I can blog from my phone! Such modern technology!
Sarcasm aside however, it’s still a bit cumbersome since I need to save the metadata in my bear notes before blogging and then painfully commit it via GitHubs mobile website. I will hopefully fix it tomorrow when my sleep-deprived-zombie-state is over by moving the metadata append to GitHub actions instead...
Sadly the iOS Github app doesn’t allow committing file OR viewing actions from it (!). This roughly translates into:
- Write my immensely wise words of wisdom in Bear
- Export -> copy md file from Bear
- Paste it manually in GitHubs mobile unfriendly mobile site as a new commit...
- Let a simple CI/CD pipeline via Github actions take care of publishing it
On the brighter side, I really admire Bear’s joy of use and might actually buy the subscription
Oh and it really supports tags such as this #blogpost